Camp Julsoe 2006 - Seniorcity - Group 807
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Here is a selection of the pictures from Camp Julsoe 2006 - Seniorcity. Right now it's only my pictures that are displayed here. If you have some more pictures pleased send them to me.

The resolution is 640x480 pixel (0,3 MegaPixel), but I have them in 3 MegaPixel. So if you want a picture in a greater resolution, then I can send it to you.

You can also get all the pictures (in 0,3 MegaPixel) in a -ZIP-fil here.

If you use the pictures (on homepages, in newsletter, etc.) I would like to be credited as the photographer.

Thanks you!
Rune Baszkiewicz (


©2006 Rune BaszkiewiczOpdated: August 14. 2006